Look, "Undefeated" shouldn't have won the Oscar for Best Documentary of 2011. I'd have to really think it through to decide what film should've won, but I know it would be between "Bill Cunningham New York," "Project Nim," "Senna" and "Buck."
Even though I begrudge the film its Academy Award, I still cheer it on to victory in theaters. It's inspiring, poignant and heartbreaking. It's about how good coaching -- mentorship, really -- can change a kid's life. It certainly did for mine. And how can you not root for a movie that keeps you in a constant state of tears (happy and sad) the entire time -- BOTH times you watched it?
Of all the interviews I've done to date, talking to Coach Bill Courtney was the most thrilling. Not just because he is a hoot to listen to (he is exactly the same as he comes across on film), but that he so eloquently explains just how fundamentally his experience coaching the kids at Manassas High School changed his views on America's supposed "level playing field." Whether he meant to go there or not, he makes a truly authentic and refreshing political statement.
Here's my review of "Undefeated" and my interview with Coach Courtney. Hope you all go see the film and hope every man who has the time joins up with a mentorship program for at-risk boys. You are needed.
Even though I begrudge the film its Academy Award, I still cheer it on to victory in theaters. It's inspiring, poignant and heartbreaking. It's about how good coaching -- mentorship, really -- can change a kid's life. It certainly did for mine. And how can you not root for a movie that keeps you in a constant state of tears (happy and sad) the entire time -- BOTH times you watched it?
Of all the interviews I've done to date, talking to Coach Bill Courtney was the most thrilling. Not just because he is a hoot to listen to (he is exactly the same as he comes across on film), but that he so eloquently explains just how fundamentally his experience coaching the kids at Manassas High School changed his views on America's supposed "level playing field." Whether he meant to go there or not, he makes a truly authentic and refreshing political statement.
Here's my review of "Undefeated" and my interview with Coach Courtney. Hope you all go see the film and hope every man who has the time joins up with a mentorship program for at-risk boys. You are needed.